YOU v YOU Quarterly Assessment

You v You is a quarterly workout that a local PAX picked up from posting at AO Stable in Dallas, TX. They did theirs in a parking garage. It's meant to be held once a quarter and PAX can track how they are improving over time. 


Rinse & Repeat and the drop the 3 exo's one rep with each round. 

If you start on time and do a quick run through you should start roughly ten minutes in, giving you 30-35 min total time. 

Eg BD starts at 05:30a with core principles and walk through of assessment, start assessment at 5:40a and call time around 6:10a


Best done on a football field or parking garage. 

For a football field start at the goal line with Burpees. Mosey across the goal line to the other corner for Alarm Clocks. Then mosey to the 50 yard line for Jumping squats. After mosey across the field and Bear Crawl to the 25 Yard line, mosey to the goal line. 


You vs You Assessment Tracker (Responses)